Carroll Davidson Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (CDGAD©)

Welcome to the website of the Carroll Davidson Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, known also as CDGAD©.

GAD stands for generalized anxiety disorder. It is a common condition. GAD has a lifetime prevalence rate of around 5%. It has a rate in any one-year period of 2-3%. GAD often appears in patients attending primary (family) medicine clinics. It also appears in many other medical settings. GAD is often long-term and responsible for impaired quality of life or diminished general health (Hidalgo and Davidson, 2001).

GAD is frequently missed or mis-diagnosed. Therefore, it is important to have accurate and simple measures to detect its presence. It is also important to monitor progress over time.

If you want to learn more about GAD, visit the National Institute of Mental Health’s GAD page.

This website describes one such scale, the self-rated CDGAD©. This website describes its development and testing results as originally reported by Carroll, Davidson, Connor, Wilson and Parkerson, 2002, and Bobes et al, 2006).

The following pages on this site provide more information about CDGAD©: